Sexual Vitality – Strengthen your Love Muscles

Stronger and Longer You might have heard about the PC (pubococcygeus) muscle before. This is the muscle that spans from the pubic bone to the…

Stronger and Longer

You might have heard about the PC (pubococcygeus) muscle before. This is the muscle that spans from the pubic bone to the coccyx. Your love muscles. If you don’t know where this group of muscles is, next time you are in the bathroom, try the following out: when you are urinating, stop the urine flow. You will need to use your PC muscle for this.

But what not everyone knows is that it is important for men to exercise their PC muscle.

Men who exercise their love muscles regularly

  • have stronger erections,
  • last longer and
  • have more intense orgasms.

These exercises and strong muscles also set the foundation for controlling ejaculation and separating orgasm from ejaculation. Moreover, these exercises promote prostate health.

Taoist Master Mantak Chia teaches a very simple and effective exercise for PC muscle power:

PC Pull-ups

  1. As you inhale, bring your focus to your perineum, prostate and anus
  2. As you exhale, contract your PC muscles around your prostate and anus.At the same time contract the muscles around your eyes and mouth
  3. As you inhale now, relax all muscles

Practice this cycle 9 to 36 times.

Start gently if you are not used to practicing those muscles.

Toning Your Love Muscles

What Taoists have discovered thousands of years ago, mainstream is now picking up on too. Teri Hatcher from ‘Desperate Housewives’ recently appeared on a TV talk show talking about a product she purchased that exercises her vagina.

Now, it is a fact that good PC muscles – your love muscles – are playing an important role in a healthy and good sex life.

While you often read about exercising your PC muscles while you are urinating – DON’T do it. Do it only once (if you are not familiar with the location of you PC muscles) so that you know where your PC muscles are. Leave the PC exercises for other times. It is not healthy to stop your urine flow on a regular basis.

The Jade Egg is a beautiful tool to strengthen those muscles, but there is more to it than that. The exercises with the egg also enhance awareness and sensitivity of the Yoni. Combine this with sexual energy cultivation meditations and you will be dancing in the sky.

And there is an exercise that you can start doing right now. The beauty about this exercise is you can do it anywhere at any time.

PC Pull-ups

1. As you inhale, bring your focus to your yoni (vagina)

2. As you exhale, contract your PC muscles / squeeze your Yoni.

At the same time contract the muscles around your eyes and mouth

3. As you inhale now, relax all muscles

Master Mantak Chia recommend 300 contractions a day. You don’t need to do them all at once. Spread them throughout the day.

Start gently if you are not used to exercising your love muscles!

And…. smile, an inner smile, while doing these exercises…

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