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The Crown Chakra

Now that we’ve covered the 6 major chakras The Root Chakra The Sacral Chakra The Solar Plexus Chakra The Heart Chakra The Throat Chakra The…

Now that we’ve covered the 6 major chakras
  1. The Root Chakra
  2. The Sacral Chakra
  3. The Solar Plexus Chakra
  4. The Heart Chakra
  5. The Throat Chakra
  6. The Third Eye Chakra

We can explore the final chakra in our series. The point where all chakras come together in a unified way…

The Crown Chakra

Located at the top of the head, the Crown Chakra ties into the proper functioning of our brain and the entire nervous system. It vibrates to the musical note “B” and the primordial sound of “Om”, that is often chanted by Buddhist and Hindus to awaken this energy center.

The Crown Chakra is represented by the color violet, as well as pure white light, representing the God-force. It is through the Crown Chakra that divine energy can enter into us, trans-mutating energy from our lower chakras into higher spiritual consciousness.

There isn’t a lot to be said about the Crown Chakra other than the fact that its function is solely dependent on the balance of the lower 6 chakras. Attempting to open the Crown Chakra before you’ve successfully integrated and harmonized the energy from the Root Chakra up to the Third Eye, is futile.

Why? Because, the Crown Chakra has a mind of its own so to speak. It doesn’t really open at your will or when you try to consciously direct energy toward it. It’s kind of like you cannot reach enlightenment through force. It happens naturally when its recipient is ready to be joined with a higher power and wisdom, coming from a divine source. This generally takes many years of disciplined meditation and chakra work.

Now, there is such a thing as an underactive and overactive Crown Charka. Just remember that it is typically caused by blocked or stagnant energy in the lower chakras, nothing that cannot be resolved through chakra cleansing.

An Underactive Crown Chakra often results in a feeling of isolation caused by disconnectedness from God and our higher consciousness. This may lead to feelings of depression and loneliness.

An Overactive Crown Chakra means that we channel an overabundance of energy from the source, which can lead to colorful visions, dreaminess and a temporary disconnect from reality. In fact, we may be channeling too much energy, which can be easily be resolved by grounding at the root chakra.

A Balanced Crown Chakra is the ultimate goal of all meditators, which is the integration of what the Hindus refer to as Shiva and Shakti or the male and female aspects of our personality (yin and yang).

An opening Crown Chakra can cause a tingling sensation at the top of the head. It raises energy in the body giving you a sense of supreme power and vitality. The effects tend to dissipate eventually, as your other chakras might periodically need some work. And there’s no better way to open up the Crown Chakra than to cleanse ALL of your chakras on a daily basis.

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