Before moving forward, we need to take some steps together to ensure our compatibility and meet our needs.
When making contact, you will endear yourself to me by giving me advance notice (ideally 48 hours or more) and all the information I require to make scheduling effortless and smooth. I can be reached between 9 am and 7 pm on most days.
I’m thrilled you have arrived here! By now, you have read About Me and reviewed my Sessions, FAQs and Etiquette pages. Please look at my calendar below to find out the schedule and if your preferred time and date are available.
Fantastic! It’s time to plan our rendezvous!
Dear Returning Patrons:
For same-day appointments, your success rate will be considerably higher if you contact me before 10 am that day. You may text, email, call or message me through the contact form.
Kindly provide me with your preferred time for our meeting and the length and type of session. If I haven’t seen you in a while, please jog my memory and give me something to remember you by. I will follow up with you promptly.
Potential New Visitors:
You have one shot at a first impression. Make it a good one! I LOVE and am delighted by thoughtful inquiries. Introduce yourself. Filling out my New Client Contact Form in detail is the easiest and most efficient way to initiate contact with me. Know that I will not respond to incomplete requests.
My private, upscale, immaculate, peacefully zen oasis is conveniently located in central North Vancouver, 20 minutes from downtown Vancouver, minutes from major highways in a safe neighbourhood with plenty of free, secure parking.
Before making an appointment, I feel that having a conversation with you is very important to me before setting up a meeting. Nothing can replace voice contact to affirm that we have a connection and rapport that resonates with us both. I look forward to speaking with you!
Please note I do not respond to texts for initial contact.
To my international clients, I am sorry I cannot respond to your text or call you back at your international number, so please email me.
I accept cash or credit card for all considerations. Secure credit card billing + GST