What is a Temple Priestess?
The Kulasvari Temple Priestess is a mystery by nature. As one who embodies the divine, she projects her individuality, personality, and skill through her unique…
The Kulasvari Temple Priestess is a mystery by nature. As one who embodies the divine, she projects her individuality, personality, and skill through her unique being. Trained in tantric sensual arts, she is unashamed of her body or level of expertise. She is abundantly free and beautiful! The adornments, jewelry, and makeup only accent the light that radiates through her. She may be of service to many people but she is a Temple Priestess, however, because she is called to this work from within herself, her heart, and her spirit.

Training in the temple arts, the Temple Priestess becomes a conduit for the sacred energy (kundalini)of Goddess, or the divine female. The Goddess she embodies is multifaceted. As Tantrika, she draws attention to the senses to the point that mental activity takes back seat to experience, offering opportunities for initiates to experience a state of oneness with body, soul, and place. As Muse she is an inspireing gust of fresh air one to embrace desires, needs, sensations, intuition, instincts, and dreams.
As Dakini, she teaches us to be intolerant of anything which dishonors our spirit. She works to assist us in becoming aware of false projections and negative imprints by creating sacred space in which all impurities, even those passed down through the generations may be heated up and melted away in the blazing fire of Shakti.
In the many spiritual lineages it is considered the greatest honor to be initiated into the Mysteries by a Temple Priestess. The responsibility certainly requires an expertise on the part of the woman, as well as the importance of her sacred role of infusing boldness and power into her partner, acting as an initiator. Through her training, transmission and devotion, she carries the sacred knowledge and power; and through her it is imparted to others.
The transmission of information can come from anyone, but initiation can come only from one that is skilled in the art of transferring the power on a subtle level to make the information effective. This training is crucial to her significant role as initiator, for it is she who ignites the spiritual fire, or Shakti.
Working knowledge and inner tradition of the Goddess continues through the ancient spiritual practice of Tantra, honoring the female as a form of the Divine, and sensuality as a path to enlightenment. Their shared values are love, affection, genuine relationships, music, poetry, being in touch with nature, and the interconnectedness of life. Their truest, deepest values are those which transcend the mind, and delve into the irrational world of feeling and the deeper layers of life. This is one of the reasons the teachings of Tantra are so precious. They offer us a glimpse of a world with great reverence for sensuality, pleasure, magic in the natural world, and ourselves as divine.