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What tantra means to me…

Tantra is thought to be the oldest spiritual belief system on our planet that we know of. Roots of Tantra are formed in the Hinduism,…

Tantra is thought to be the oldest spiritual belief system on our planet that we know of. Roots of Tantra are formed in the Hinduism, Buddhism, and Yogic traditions from around the world.

The Western view of Tantra has been quite minimized, in my opinion, to being just about the sexual aspects surrounding Tantra. It’s as if the human body was just the genitals, just the typical erogenous zones— nothing else. I ask, what about the eyes? What about all the other wonderful parts that make up the beings that we are?

It is thought that part of the reason for such a magnified view of Tantra focused on sexuality is to help balance out the oppressive conditions of our society’s lack of acceptance that we are creative, sexual beings, that it’s not just for pro-creative purpose but because we enjoy it!—but, I believe, it’s been taken a little too far.

It is in fact very true that: Yes, we are sexual creatures…Yes! We do have the capacity to create immense pleasure within ourselves and with our partners…Now what?

What is it that we can choose to do with this energy, with this potential, I daresay, with this magic?

How can we learn to direct this powerful energy to create amazing relationships with ourselves, partners, and community?

Good question– Because it seems to me that creative sexual energy is healing, revitalizing, yummy, and consciousness altering. I know that after I have spent time in a space of heartfull connection with myself and someone else, I have a lot of energy and feel inspired to share my love with the world in many ways. It seems to me that being connected is the path to awakening—not just for me, but for everyone I come into contact with. I notice that when I bring presence to my environment, it wakes up and then a new kind of conversation emerges.

Tantra is that conversation.

It is this kind of conversation that I invite into my sessions.
I offer private sessions for both Women and Men. Sessions for Couples are available as well.

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