The Solar Plexus Chakra
Introducing part 3 in our 7 series on the chakras. As we move onto the Solar Plexus Chakra, be sure to first read about the…
Introducing part 3 in our 7 series on the chakras. As we move onto the Solar Plexus Chakra, be sure to first read about the Root Chakra, followed by the Sacral Chakra to better understand how our energy systems function as a whole.
The Solar Plexus Chakra
If one word could describe the Solar Plexus Chakra, it would be:
Ultimately, that is what this chakra is about. In fact, it is the seat of all self-control, ego and personal power. Associated with the color yellow and the musical note “E”, the Solar Plexus Chakra governs our digestive system, the pancreas and the liver. It is also the largest of the chakras, spreading 6 inches in diameter over the entire abdomen and one that people are most physically aware of. Many will often complain of an unexplainable tenseness or tugging between their sternum and navel, tightening and loosening, as though by a will of its own. In reality, energetic imbalances and blockages in the Solar Plexus are generally caused by the need to “control” and “resist” certain emotions, such as anger and frustration. And because we aren’t taught the tools on how to release trapped emotions, without causing harm unto ourselves or others, we begin bottling them up, until they can no longer be contained. So with nowhere to go, this blocked energy begins to transmutate into dis-eases and disorders of the body and mind.
An Overactive Solar Plexus Chakra
With an overabundance of Solar Plexus energy, a person may appear very demanding, judgmental and critical. By “appear”, I mean this isn’t necessarily their intrinsic makeup, but rather their behaviors are a manifestation of an imbalance in their energy centers. Sometimes, a simple chakra cleansing can resolve some of the controlling behaviors that people with an overactive Solar Plexus exhibit. Most of the time, it takes challenging limiting beliefs and behaviors, to break down the unhealthy ego. Then, there is also the issue of interpersonal relationships. You may have a demanding and stubborn boss who won’t take “no” for an answer or a hostile and controlling partner whose perfectionist ways drive you up the wall. All-in-all, these are just some of the symptoms of an overactive Solar Plexus Chakra.
An Underactive Solar Plexus Chakra
When underactive, the Solar Plexus Chakra expresses itself very differently. A person may experience unexplainable bouts of depression, lack confidence, energy, vitality and feel overly concerned about what other people think. Often, they are very sensitive individuals who will often pick up on other people’s emotional baggage, which is sometimes confused as their own. They carry the burden of others almost willingly, reinforcing their inner “victim” and “martyr”. They have a hard time establishing clear boundaries in their relationships and oftentimes will allow others to trample over them. They may easily feel drained after social encounters, which may incite feelings of isolation, aloofness &/or apathy.
A Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra
A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra creates a person who has got a cheerful, confident, energetic and outgoing personality. They are emotionally expressive and assertive when need be. They set clear boundaries in their relationships and are mindful not to overstep those of other people. The Solar Plexus Chakra is actually the center of our personal power, so when it is in balance we’re able to withstand high stress situations with a sort of involved detachment. In other words, we are emotionally and mentally present, but not attached or trying to control the outcome of events. We allow them to unfold naturally, trusting ourselves in the decisions that we make.
When energy or chi doesn’t pass easily through the Solar Plexus, it can affect the energetic system as a whole, leading to an accumulation in the lower or higher energy centers. For some people, when there is an excess of energy in the lower chakras, such as the Root and Sacral Chakra, they may become overly involved in mundane activities and selfish pursuits for power and pleasure. A highly cerebral or flighty personality can be caused by an overabundance of energy in the higher chakras such as the throat, third eye and crown chakra.
Sometimes a person will inadvertently try to prevent energy from descending into the lower chakras, denying themselves “worldly” pursuits, in search for the divine. Religious sects often preach the denial of the pleasures of the flesh, claiming they are unholy and impure. Tantra on the other hand, does not discriminate between the earthly and divine energies. On the contrary, it teaches us that enlightenment comes with the harmonious union between the two. And since the Solar Plexus is the gateway between earth and spirit, it is by clearing this chakra that this union can be achieved.