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The Sacral Chakra

Introducing part 2 of a 7 part series on the chakras. Now that you’ve got a better understanding of the function and effects of the Root…

Introducing part 2 of a 7 part series on the chakras. Now that you’ve got a better understanding of the function and effects of the Root Chakra when underactive, overactive or balanced, lets move onto the Sacral Chakra…

The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra contains the energy of attraction, creativity and it is the reservoir of our sexual energy. Our wealth, the harmony of our relationships, creative expression, emotional and sexual health depend on the proper functioning of this chakra. Laying just below and slightly to the left of the navel, the Sacral Chakra is bright orange in color and vibrates to the musical note “D”.

Also known as the Sex, Spleen and Navel chakra, this energy center governs our reproductive, urinary and lower digestive system. You might have heard of the mind-body connection, but lets not forget that our thoughts and emotions also affect our chakras, by inhibiting or stimulating the energy that flows through them.  So it’s no surprise that long-term imbalances in the Sacral Chakra can lead to dis-ease in the mind and body (e.g  ovarian and prostate cancers; bladder and kidney infections; sexual dysfunctions etc.) How an illness expresses itself will often depend on whether the chakra is overactive or underactive.

An Overactive Sacral Chakra

If you have an overactive Sacral Chakra, you might notice a very distinct heat in your lower abdomen, even though this chakra is associated with the water element. You might also suffer from unexplainable mood swings and have a highly sexual personality. Anxiety, promiscuity and manic behaviors are also common. Some people become overwhelmed with sexual tension and desire, which propels them to selfishly satisfy and indulge their senses, through excessive sex or masturbation, overeating, drugs and alcohol.  If the excess sacral energy isn’t provided with a creative outlet or channeled up into the higher chakras such as the heart, it can leave its victim insatiable and in a wanton state of longing.

An Underactive Sacral Chakra

Typically, if you have an underactive Sacral Chakra, you frequently complain of fatigue, lack of inspiration and a weakened or absent libido. You feel sluggish at times and show a disinterest in sex and creative pursuits such as art, music, writing etc. Some people experience an emotional coldness or rigidity. Women will often complain of sexual frigidity and inability to have orgasms. In fact, studies have shown that you can infer a woman’s ability to have orgasms by simply observing the pelvic fluidity in her walk. At the root of these sexual inhibitions and dysfunctions, affecting both men and women, you will often find that many people carry with them the burden of sexual guilt and shame. Much of that comes from living in a society which publicizes sex and simultaneously demonizes it.

A Balanced Sacral Chakra

When your Sacral Chakra is in balance, you allow your feelings to flow freely through you without the need for dramatic displays of emotions. In whatever situation you find yourself, you express a high emotional intelligence, trusting yourself in the decisions that you make. Creative inspiration is found in abundance and you are open to exploring new thoughts and ideas. With a clean and open Sacral Chakra you might develop a deeper sense of awareness of your own subtle energies and those of other people. And with this subtle awareness, new levels of intimacy, passion and pleasure open up, that only come in surrendering to the moment, with total sensual abandon.

Sex and the Sacral Chakra

For the majority of people, sex is centered in their Sacral Chakra. In other words, they experience what are known as “genital orgasms”, which are similar to letting out a good sneeze. They only last a couple of seconds and are used strictly to relieve sexual tension. Unfortunately sexual energy is lost with these types of orgasms and are common among people who masturbate excessively. As the energy dissipates through the Sacral Chakra, the need for sex becomes greater, so energy is drawn down more and more from the higher chakras. It’s part of why a lot of people feel very tired and lethargic after sex.

In tantric practices one sexual experience and a person will feel energized and ecstatic for days. Practicing a simple exercise such as theWhite Tiger Tantra Heart Meditation, can quickly teach you how to cultivate  sexual energy and cycle it through your body, leading to full body orgasms. That way, sex, rather than being a means to indulge oneself, becomes a source of healing and nourishment for the mind, body and spirit.

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