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The Third Eye Chakra

We’re almost done with the chakra series. This is the before last one on the the Third Eye Chakra, so lets make it a good…

We’re almost done with the chakra series. This is the before last one on the the Third Eye Chakra, so lets make it a good one.

If you haven’t already read…

  1. The Root Chakra
  2. The Sacral Chakra
  3. The Solar Plexus Chakra
  4. The Heart Chakra
  5. The Throat Chakra

I highly recommend that you do. Why? So that you better understand how you function as a whole.

Reading these posts, some of you are going to discover, that one or more of your chakras are out of balance and it may be affecting your emotional, physical and mental health. And if you’re walking around blind to the forces and energies that surround you, thinking you are immune to them, you are sadly mistaken. We are all affected by these forces and unfortunately in our culture, we are not educated about them, let alone taught how to shield ourselves. So, we are inevitably lead down the path of mental and physical degeneration, often before our time.

That being said, lets move onto…

The Third Eye Chakra

Also known as the “brow chakra”, because of it’s location between the two, this chakra is considered to be our psychic center. Opening up the third eye, can give a person the power to project themselves astrally, see into the future or communicate telepathically. This chakra is typically represented by the color indigo and resonates with the musical note A. Besides endowing a person with clairvoyance and “second sight”, the Third Eye Chakra is also the seat of our intellect, rational mind and wisdom. Physically, the Third Eye, affects the functioning of the pituitary gland, the brain, ears, eyes, sinuses etc. Imbalances in this area can cause a variety of health issues such as, brain tumors, stroke, blindness, learning disabilities, deafness etc. Another reason why keeping your chakras balanced and working harmoniously as a whole, can be beneficial…

So, now lets examine what are some of the characteristics of a Third Eye Chakra that is overactive, underactive and balanced.

An Underactive Third Eye Chakra

Do you often enter into a room and forget why you came there? Do you fixate unnecessarily on petty and mundane things? Do you worry too much? Do you occasionally suffer from “brain fog”? If you answered yes to any of these, you may have an underactive Third Eye Chakra. Because this chakra also affects our intellect, when it’s underactive, it can lead to learning disabilities, difficulty concentrating and remembering information.

An Overactive Third Eye Chakra

Do you often feel spaced out or lost in your own imaginary world? Do you find yourself overly sensitive to people or your surroundings? Do you dream in technicolor almost every night? If so, you could have an overactive Third Eye Chakra. Let me address something important about people with too much activity going on in their Third Eye. They can sometimes come across as uncaring and inattentive, simply because they are too busy processing all the stimuli that comes to them from all 5 or 6 senses. And these tend to be overly developed.

A Balanced Third Eye Chakra

Do you find you have an active creative imagination and great visualization skills? Do you sometimes have visions or prophetic dreams? Do you often know what others are thinking without them telling you?  If so, you are blessed. For one thing, having a balanced Third Eye Chakra, gives you kind of an aura of protection, in the sense that you are probably really really good at reading people. I mean so good, that you are almost immediately aware of people’s intentions, even before they say hello. Now, this can be advantageous if you’re in the healing profession. Having a balanced Third Eye Chakra gives us much clearer insights and sharpens our perceptions when dealing with others.

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