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The Throat Chakra

The Root Chakra The Sacral Chakra The Solar Plexus Chakra The Heart Chakra The Throat Chakra is commonly associated with the color blue and it…

  1. The Root Chakra
  2. The Sacral Chakra
  3. The Solar Plexus Chakra
  4. The Heart Chakra

The Throat Chakra is commonly associated with the color blue and it vibrates to the musical note G. Our communication skills and speech are primarily influenced by this chakra. It is also associated with clairaudience, music and intellect.

Your ability to express yourself in an honest and sincere manner is a function of the Throat Chakra. Located in the center of the neck and throat region, this chakra governs our thyroid, esophagus and mouth. Sore throats, TMJ, and gum or tooth problems are some of the common physical issues we encounter when the Throat Chakra is out of balance. Many of those imbalances stem from our thoughts and emotions, as well as early parental influence.

Have you ever heard the expression, “children should be seen, not heard”? Well, depending on whether or not self-expression was denied or encouraged in your early years can make the difference between a balanced, underactive or overactive Throat Chakra.

An Underactive Throat Chakra:

Blocked or stagnant energy in the Throat Chakra is often the result of being denied self-expression in childhood. The effect of this may continue into adulthood causing an individual to struggle with honestly express their needs and wants. They may appear introverted and shy, preferring to listen to others, than to add their own input. Knowing what’s on their tight-lipped minds may require a certain degree of empathy and patience. They open up at their own pace. Pressuring them to tell you what they are thinking, will often urge them to clam up. Instead, they need to feel that you are truly receptive and that they won’t be judged for what they say or how they say it.

An Overactive Throat Chakra

At first, they may appear to be the life of the party, full of colorful stories to recount. As your attention starts to dwindle, you begin pondering, what is it about this person’s need to fill you in on every minute fleeting thought that enters their mind? The truth is, when a person’s Throat Chakra is overactive, they may tend to dominate conversations and sometimes have a hard time pausing to consider what other’s have to say. They tend to criticize and judge others unabashedly. They can be controlling and manipulative with their words, using them recklessly to impose their stubborn beliefs on others.

A Balanced Throat Chakra

With a balanced Throat Chakra a person will express themselves clearly and fluidly through speech, writing &/or music. Easily transitioning between talking and listening, gives them an advantage in building rapport with others. On a deeper level, the throat opens up telepathic communication that allow us to send and receive thoughts to and from people who vibrate at the same frequency, as we do. But even more importantly, a balanced Throat Chakra opens up lines of communication with our higher consciousness, giving us insight into the intentions of others, while helping us fulfill our true life purpose.

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