
What is an Erotic Tantric Massage?

An Erotic Tantric Massage is a very healing, nurturing, intimate, relaxing and stress relieving erotic massage, during which your whole body is pleasured and if…

An Erotic Tantric Massage is a very healing, nurturing, intimate, relaxing and stress relieving erotic massage, during which your whole body is pleasured and if you immerse yourself in it, you can experience erotic trance like states.  The massage takes place with us both naked. The intention is to honour you as a sexual-spiritual being, through you being present to your whole body orgasms, (not just the orgasm at the end!)  so throughout the massage I use my special, intuitive and sensitive sensual shamanic sensing techniques to bring our bodies into harmony together, and then to awaken your sexual energy and skillfully and sensually, and with your participation, move it around your body.

You will be invited to breathe deeply, remain present, aware but relaxed, to expand your sexual energy upwards and inwards, as opposed to just the genitals. This results in amazing orgasms, but more importantly is to unite your sexual centre and  to your heart. Drawing your sexual life force energy from your base chakra to your heart chakra, balancing the masculine and feminine, the positive and negative aspects within you.  You leave feeling very centred and relaxed, probably inspired, possibly even transformed.  We are all always transforming, and this can be one of those experiences. One that opens you up to deeper investigation into your own explorations into the deeper realms of sex and sexual energy.

To begin, you will be guided into a relaxed and receptive state, I place my warm soft hands on you and begin to lightly stroke and move your body. Massaging you with lots of long, slow, sliding, sensual strokes, with particular attention paid to your erotic and erogenous zones, and lots of body contact.  You may feel your whole body as alive and quivering with orgasmic energy, or experience a whole range of other new sensations or insights or feelings or altered states. Your Lingham, (Sanskrit for penis meaning Wand of Light), is given a lot of attention, as are your buttocks, your balls, and the muscles around your anus.  If you want a prostate massage, you need to let me know.   This is a chance to journey deeply into your sexual potential, if that’s what you wish.  The session is deeply relaxing, extremely nurturing, and obviously can be quite electrifying!  We connect very intimately during this memorable and powerful experience.

Pleasure and relaxation can be your main goal, or your goal may be to practice Tantra and further develop awareness around sexuality.  Before we begin, I will ask you what your intention is. If you have any concerns or issues around your sexual identity, such as premature ejaculation or erectile issues, then we can address that during the session as well.

A Tantric massage gently introduces you to the main keys of Tantra, such as breath and presence, connecting mindfully during arousal, and how to use imagination and intent to expand sexual energy around the body and create mind blowing, ego disintegrating, full body, cellular orgasms.   It is possible to access trance states, experiences of bliss and union with something greater than yourself through staying present, breathing deeply, and bringing a lot of attention to the experience.  Sex becomes a spiritual experience. You can choose to ejaculate at the end, or you may wish to practice containing your sexual energy instead.

You can expect me to touch you not just with my body, but also with my presence, love, empathy, understanding, compassion wisdom and humour.

This massage is not a sexual service, and doesn’t include oral.  You are welcome to touch me in a way which is pleasing and relaxing to me.  If you are in your body, and in the experience, then that is arousing and energizing and sweet for me.

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