What Women Need to Orgasm? Adequate Stimulation
This is a topic very important to all men and women. I know this because of the questions that arise with my intimacy coaching clients….

This is a topic very important to all men and women. I know this because of the questions that arise with my intimacy coaching clients. Men and women don’t truly understand what happens in a woman’s body and why it takes so long. Betty Dodson is an amazing pioneer in the field of woman’s sexuality and she explains it so well I will include a small snippet of her articles and you can read the rest on her website.
“What’s left out of this conversation is the following information: A woman’s erection takes twenty to thirty minutes of adequate clitoral stimulation for her entire vulva to become engorged. The operating word here is “adequate” and will vary from woman to woman.
The point being that few women are even turned on before they get fucked. Most are getting a few minutes of clumsy clit stim, a few licks from a dry tongue or harsh finger banging. The moment there’s a small amount of lubrication, many lovers dive into the vagina going for a home run. No wonder sex therapists emphasize foreplay and no wonder faked orgasms far out number real ones. When we discover how few women are having orgasms during intercourse it’s obvious to me that fucking is really foreplay for masturbation.”
If you want to read the full article you can go here