Chakras and healing tantra massage

What are Chakras? There are 7 major energy centers in the human body known as chakras. In Sanskrit, chakra translates into “wheel”. These “wheels” can…

What are Chakras?

There are 7 major energy centers in the human body known as chakras. In Sanskrit, chakra translates into “wheel”. These “wheels” can be thought of as vortexes that both receive & radiate energy. They run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, & along the way each chakra resides next to & corresponds to a different hormonal gland. Emotions, physical health, & mental clarity affect how well each chakra can filter energy. This in turn dictates how pure the energy is that’s emitted from different regions of the body.

What does it mean to receive & radiate energy from your chakras?

The way you think, feel, & act affects your chakras. Chakras receive whatever energy you allow in. They respond to that energy, & the way you project yourself, feel, & think is a direct reflection of that. It is a very powerful & interrelated system. This interrelatedness, is also what causes a balanced or imbalanced chakra in one region to positively or negatively affect things up & down the chain.

Becoming aware of your chakras can be very transformative- allowing you to grown, heal, & connect to a higher source. There are actually many chakras within the body & throughout the universe, but a significant amount of healing & growth can occur when we focus on the 7 major chakras. Clink on the links below to explore each chakra further!

Root chakra|1st chakra

“survival center “, ” center of basic needs”, “gateway of life & death”

Perineum(root) Sacred Spot massage is a chance to feel your world from the inside. Perineum and prostate massage are profoundly healing and very safe. This intimate experience is effective for controlling or promoting ejaculation and feels pleasurable and natural.[divider]

Sacral chakra|2nd chakra

“naval chakra”, “spleen chakra”, “deep belly center”

Genital(union) Lingam massage is an opportunity for men to simply receive and be honoured. Effectively gain control and contain sexual energy in your body. Create profound and unlimited pleasure, at will.[divider]

Solar plexus chakra|3rd chakra

“center of personal power”, “center of digestion”

Belly(courage) The courage to be present and devoted, far away from your analytical mind. Observing and participating without judgment, allowing yourself to love and be loved unconditionally. The courage to surrender ego.[divider]

Heart chakra|4th chakra

Heart(compassion) Breathing deep will open the heart, expand the chest and it increases ones capacity for containing sexual energy. When sexual energy contained and is circulated in the body it’s very easy to control ejaculation and have multiple orgasms.[divider]

Throat chakra|5th chakra

“communication center”

Throat(voice) Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, OM… seed sounds that open up chakras and rouse the subtle body in preparation for tantric play. For the best outcome, be vulnerable, speak of your intention and surrender to the unknown.[divider]

Third eye chakra|6th chakra

“brow chakra”,”intuitive center”,  “consciousness center”, “seat of oneness”

Brow(vision) My intention is to serve your masculine spirit on behalf of goddess, to pamper you with pleasure and presence. You will feel confident, appreciated and cared for when you experience any of my sacred sessions.[divider]

Crown chakra|7th chakra

“seat of pure consciousness”, “the center of your connection with spirituality”

Crown(enlightenment) The fruition of tantra practice is the union of bliss and emptiness. The mystery of non separation is revealed. Every moment is orgasmic and magic. Purified, free and unbound, you transcend all things.[divider]

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